Pre-Gardening Checklist

Here are ten ways to be on top of your gardening tasks this spring:
1. Become inspired: If possible, have a clear vision of your gardening goals for 2012. This might be encouraged by a perusal of all of those yard design books you have collected over the years or a trip to the local nursery. Schedule your landscaping consultation as early as possible to be ahead of the game this season.
2. Sharpen your tools: Although it can be tempting to dive right in to your gardening/outdoor projects as soon as the sun starts shining, it is well worth the time it takes to make sure your tools are in tip top shape before you begin. This includes getting your mower serviced, and making sure all other yard implements are in an efficient and usable condition.
3. You’ve heard it from us before, “It all starts with the soil.” Compost, compost, compost. IF you don’t already, try to begin composting this year, it’s much easier than you might think, and much more important.
4. Make friends with the birds: Get those feeders out, and make the birds and eventual butterflies feel welcome in your garden space.
5. If the soil is dry, go ahead and till, (wet soil will only clump when tilled, and not break down until fall!)
6. As soon as the ground thaws, plant your trees and shrubs. March is also a great month for transplanting and dividing perennials, (fall blooming.)
7. Spring cleaning: Reinvigorate existing mulch, weed and clear out debris from beds, and re-edge all borders.
8. Trim ornamental grasses and prune damaged branches from shrubs and trees, grind ’em up and toss ’em in your compost pile (remember starting one somewhere around number 3?)
9. It’s not too early to add some excitement and hue to your wintery scape, possibly with some of the Violaceae family. Members of this hardy group include violets and pansies.
10. Start those seeds indoors, and they will be ready by the time you go to set them out in April.
What would you add to this list? What does March in your garden look like?? Please share your hints and tips, we want to hear from you!