Plant Michigan Green provides a resource that helps keep Michigan beautiful & environmentally healthy. Michigan gardeners can get ideas and inspiration for new projects, find answers to their gardening questions or consult experts to solve complex problems. |
When heat or drought begin to stress plantings, fish emulsion from Neptune’s Harvest is our first course of action to combat stress and increase vigor. |
Click here to learn why Hollytone is our preferred choice for organic fertilization of gardens in Northern Michigan. |
Great tips on lawn and gardens can be found here. The best part of the site is the Ask an Expert box for submission of images and questions. |
A very thorough source of information on all aspects of vermicomposting and a great place to purchase healthy red worms for your home compost systems. |
This site offers a wealth of information, including information on the Go Beyond Beauty Program that we belong to. |
This is a handy resource for calculating quantities of various garden materials. Math for gardeners! |
Just a few drops of this amazing liquid work wonders at transplant time and with regular watering. Superthrive is another great tool to combat plant stress of any kind. |